

https://github.com/dylanaraps/pure-sh-bible https://github.com/gigamonkey/monorepoize

tui everything interactive grep with query ui and fuzzy search make JSON greppable command line hex viewer command line benchmarking tool automated image compression for distributing images wikipedia summaries from the command line

automate command line text processing just: simple command runner terminal file manager

watch cmd in linux https://ban.ai/multics/ http://shell.cs.pomona.edu/shtepper http://wiki.c2.com/?GreenspunsTenthRuleOfProgramming https://christine.website/blog/why-i-use-suckless-tools-2020-06-05 posix 'anti-web' framework Unix is my IDE

a full ACME protocol implemented in shell Web

https://gist.github.com/katef/59450aa622315bd35fc27bd383c2dbe6#file-life-utf8-c C and C++ fun ideas for pranks at the shell, and https://github.com/mathiasbynens/evil.sh

https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=24256883 portable executables!

terminal utils to look at

unix shell programming: the next 50 years

src and discussion

The good




fully formalize and implement the posix shell, showing differences between specifications across semantics


annotation languages as a high level specification interface for interactive programs, can be used as abstract models for command behaviors! This allows for better system specification that can actually be enforced (thinking of tools like Alloy here!)

static reasoning

previous bullets name annotation languages that give us information about the shell - why not dynamically rewrite and inspect every shell command?
